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Writing recommendations: 3 Tips on Overcoming Writer's Block

writing tips Feb 05, 2023
Overcoming Writers Block

Writer’s block happens to us all, often at the most inconvenient times. Securing writing time can often feel like a small battle, and then when we finally sit down at our desk . . . nothing.

After years of facing (and overcoming) writer’s block, I’ve realised that it usually arises from one of two reasons. The first is that we are not feeling in a creative mood or have expelled all our creativity earlier in the day. The second is that we genuinely don’t know what to write next or need someone else’s opinion on a question that is stopping us from writing. Often this is because we’ve written ourselves into a corner, and it’s difficult to have the objectivity to know where we went wrong.

Start by addressing the creative block. Switch your writing time, so it is the first thing you sit down to do in the morning. This is usually when our minds are at their freshest, and new ideas can be formed. If this doesn’t work, go for a walk and let your mind roam over your book and then return to your desk and try again.

Here are three tips for if the words still aren’t flowing:

  1. Take a break from it. Sometimes we need to rest our writing for a few days. Then, when we return to it with fresh eyes, new ideas often form as we can review it almost as a new reader would.
  2. Find someone to discuss it with. Bouncing around ideas with someone else can often renew your creative flow. You can ask them to read some of your work or take a look at your outline as well.
  3. Trust your instincts. This is something I’m always telling my clients to do. Sometimes we have writer’s block because we instinctively know we have taken a wrong turn. If this might be the case, return to the beginning of the book, reread it, and listen to that inner voice.

Writer’s block happens to all writers, but with practise, you should be able to recognise its root cause and how to overcome it. All our coaching packages come with top-up calls that can be arranged quickly to help with this so that you don’t have to wait until the next coaching session to progress your book.

If you would like to read about how to fit in writing a book when you’re busy, click here.


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